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What People Say

"I love the boat and I want to get sailing on it again."

"Thanks for the experience. It exceeded all expectations."

"He shows positive empowerment to try new things he would not have tried before."

"He is calmer in school, has renewed self-belief and has a positive focus in life."

"His Mum says he has been a different person at home, and has been reminded of what he could be."

"He has now found that he can work with others as equals and doesn't need to be the centre of attention to gain positive rewards."

"He has tried P.E. at school for the first time, saying 'I'm going to try everything now, since the sailing trip."

"He has had a new opportunity to be level with everyone else, not 'put down'. For the first time, other people are asking him about things."

"I have grown from the trip and feel better about myself." (Rehab client)

"I felt enlightened. It has inspired me to take this up for a hobby and maybe in the future, a job." (Rehab client)

"Tectona is the perfect vessel for these trips" (Team Leader, 2010)

"At some deeper level for those that really get the sea and the ability to harness the wind and sail there is a connection that feels very natural, I also believe that the serenity that is felt whilst under sail out at sea is the calming influence that is needed to recover and not solely just from drugs but from traumatic experiences some of us face in life." (Rehab client)